The creation of any commissioned painting has many steps in the beginning process.  First the buyer must decide the size of the canvas, the pose of the animal and what type of background is to be used.  Here are a few of the steps involved in the creation process of how Joanne works.

First the buyer sends photos of the animal(s) and the background for Joanne to review, such as theses: (Remember the better the photos, the better the painting)


After the positions of the animal(s) are decided and background is selected, Joanne begins the process of laying out the positions in the painting and the background starts to take shape.


Once the initial background is done the animals are arranged and the detail painting begins.


Many hours are spent on small details such as the eyes, until the artist is completed satisfied with the final painting.


The Final Painting below:


The result is a fine work of art that will be treasured for many years to come.

We hope you enjoyed see how a painting is created!